Expertise, estimates or inventory are always confidential. AN EXPERTISE determines the essential qualities of an object. These qualities are, among others, the time, the author (artist, goldsmith, creator ...), the dimensions (height, weight ...), the state of conservation or restoration ...
ESTIMATION involves giving a market value at a given time, realizable value or replacement value as appropriate.
INVENTORY means to establish an expertise (with or without an estimate) in a document, listing the goods or a global heritage (for sharing, for tax declaration ...), a part heritage or by category (jewellery, furniture, paintings and a collection ...) useful for sharing or tax returns (for example ISF excluded from its tax base objects of art ...).
The inventory that requires moving the auctioneer gives rise to the establishment of a written document certified.
Public auctions allow purchase price equity. The seller is assisted and guided by the auctioneer who estimates and assets values the sold estate.
Whether you are a seller or a buyer, the auctioneer will assist you as such as he can. Our team, by its size and spirit, is at your disposal to guide you and sell you good in a made-to-measure way.